N. 4/2024
Dear breeders and lovers of the Arabian Horse,
Dear Breeders & Lovers of the Arabian Horse,
As we say goodbye to 2024, we take a moment to reflect and celebrate the Arabian horse community. In the past three months, Arabian Horse Magazine has fully committed itself to bringing you a comprehensive look at the show season in Europe. This culminated in equestrian events that showcased the Arabian horses' beauty and majesty throughout the Old Continent.
From the flat terrains of Poland for the 46th Pride of Poland, and Belgium for the European Championship in Lier, to the stunning arenas of Aachen, for the 40th All Nations Cup Title Show & 5th All Nations Cup Straight Egyptian Event, Circo Massimo in Rome, for the 6th round of GCAT 2024 to the equestrian facilities of the Straight Egyptian Royal Championships in Vermezzo, Milan, Arabian Horse Magazine was there, building installations, filming and documenting each triumph and every moment of the best Arabian horse morphology of the ongoing exhibition season.
The commitment to keeping you informed has been unwavering. We are proud to say that our coverage encompassed a wealth of competitions associated with high-profile artistic exhibitions that not only showed participants and visitors the beauty and charisma of the Arabian breed. We also strengthened the connections within this vast industry, making new acquaintances and reconnecting with friends who have been part of our extended family for years...
Meanwhile, Christmas is just a heartbeat away, meaning the festive season is upon us. The Arabian Horse community is coming together, adorned in the spirit of the holidays, as we prepare for the grandest showcase of them all—the 2024 World Arabian Horse Championships in Paris. After last year's edition in Qatar, this inimitable pageantry returns to where everything started with the show industry. The finest horses and some of the best international handlers are expected to join in Paris, la Ville Lumière, a magic place where dreams are realized and legacies are celebrated.
In the coming weeks, the anticipation will continue to grow. Breeders are finalizing their preparations, trainers and handlers are polishing their routines, and fans worldwide are eagerly marking their calendars. The World Arabian Horse Championships are not just a convergence of high-status competitions. Their presence historically represents the heart and soul of the Arabian horse community. In December 2024, they will return to Paris to reunite passions and long-held dreams at the Parc des Expositions, Porte de Versailles.
As we gather our thoughts for the year ahead, we at AHM remain committed to our mission: to provide you with inspiring stories, insightful articles, breathtaking photographs, artistic images, and elegant graphic design that celebrate the Arabian horse—a breed unlike any other.
As we look forward to 2025, let us carry the spirit of your achievements forward, celebrating not only the splendour of the Arabian horse. But also the camaraderie and human relations among those who, like us, love it dearly.
From all of us at Arabian Horse Magazine, thank you for being part of this extraordinary journey. We wish you a joyful Christmas Season filled with warmth, happiness, and, of course, many more thrilling moments in the world of Arabian horses. Here’s to another year of passion, dedication, and unmatched beauty in the Arabian horse community!
With love,
The Arabian Horse Magazine Team