n. 2/2020

Dear breeders and lovers of the Arabian Horse,
An unprecedented year that leaves deep scars in our hearts. The whole world stops for two months due to the spread of the new Corona virus Covid-19 pandemic. Several emergency measures are taken at the national and EU levels to contain the global health crisis triggered by the pandemic, but the closure of national boundaries puts in knee the world economy with severe socio-economic consequences even in the most powerful countries.
As of May 2020, in Italy at least, phase 2 takes off. Commercial activities reopen to the public, people want to reunite with their own family and their own friends, they want to go back to a semblance of normality as well as to their own duties. For us too, the Breeders and the Lovers of the Arabian horse the time has come to get up and pick up where we left off.
Maybe to the eyes of some the organization of Arabian horses shows might seem insensitive or devoid of any ethical or human consideration seen that the pandemic is still with us. However, it is no longer possible to stay indifferent to the fact that, behind such shows and such a passion, there are hundreds of families who have earned their living doing it for entire generations, and that now find it very hard to make up for the financial losses of the pandemic. Moreover, what will it happen to the many young people who are deeply in love and work with the Arabian horse if nothing is done to support them?
This year, Arabian Horse Magazine and its Team want to be closer and more supportive to the international breeders, but everyone is strongly requested to act by the new safety and health provisions. We should also be ready to take further precautionary measures where necessary. Love requires sacrifice, courage and adaptability. We should not be afraid about it. It will be nice, in fact, if one of the scars of this pandemic is a greater awareness of this ‘centrality’ of the Arabian horse in our lives. Now more than ever before, it is the duty of all of us to protect him along with the values he promotes, facing together this new challenge in a spirit of solidarity.