
Published on Issue 3/2017 presented at the Menton Show



The rebirth of a legend Part 1
By Nakashen Valaitham

The rebirth of legend Part 2
By Nakashen Valaitham

Alexander The Great, king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the Argead Dynasty, was, is and will always be ranked as one of the most influential people in human history. His winning ways, persistent nature and unparalleled success as a military commander earned him global respect; he became and still is the measure against which military leaders compare themselves. Alexander The Great is an iconic symbol of masculinity, nobility, victory and greatness and his success can never be humanly repeated. But occasionally history finds a way to repeat itself, sometimes in obvious manners and sometimes in the stranger, more intriguing ways of life. On March 4th, 2014, in the barns of Butler Farms in White Oak, North Carolina in the U.S.A., a legend was reborn; Alexander The Great reincarnated in the form of an exquisite Arabian colt. A colt destined for greatness, esteem and success; one so powerful and awe-inspiring that nations stand in awe and offer their utmost respect; one who wears his name with utmost pride; one named Alexxanderr.Alexxanderr was meticulously bred by exceptional horsewomen, Frances Butler and Brandi Carson. Both Frances and Brandi knew that they had something special in their hands from day one and that it was his significant pedigree that deserved the credit. Alexxanderr is a son of the highest scoring horse in the history of ECAHO, Excalibur E.A. (Shanghai EA x Essence Of Marwan E.A. by Marwan Al Shaqab). Exaclibur EA is an alabaster beauty that was bred by Albert Sorroca of Equus Arabians in Spain and is currently owned by Mr Bassam Al Saqran of Al Saqran Stud in Kuwait and the UAE. This sensational stallion dominated the European show circuit in 2014; Excalibur EA was named Gold Champion Junior Colt at the All Nations Cup, European Championships and World Championships which made him that years European Triple Crown winner. Alexxanderr is out of the ethereal, AR Most Irresistible (ML Mostly Padron x Flirtashahn BHF by Falcon BHF). She is a gorgeous mare with large eyes, a short muzzle, exceptional carriage and movement and a solid body. It was clear that Alexxanderr was blessed with the best his parents and pedigree had to offer and in just a few months, he blossomed into a sensational weanling, retaining and improving on the features he was born with. With his tail always arched over his back, his luxurious long neck, deep, large, soulful eyes and snort-and-blow attitude, Alexxanderr effortlessly captured the attention of whoever laid eyes on him. When Abdulaziz AlBarghash and Khalid Al Sayed, manager and owner of Al Sayed Stud respectively, saw Alexxanderr for the first time, they knew that they had found their knight in shining armour. Business was carried out and papers were signed, it was a done deal, Alexxanderr was purchased by Al Sayed Stud and later sent to Schoukens Training Centre in Belgium. Tom Schoukens and his team prepared Alexxanderr for battle by teaching him the tactics of the perfect stand up. And with sufficient amounts of conditioning, training and ‘time-off’ to just be a horse, they helped him develop in to the horse he was destined to be. When taking into account Alexxanderr’s show ring accolades, I can with confidence say that he is by far one of the most successful young horses in today’s Arabian industry, a rising superstar actually. His ability to dominate arenas, captivate an audience and hold the attention of many a judge coupled with a brilliant stand up, vibrant trot and flag-like tail carriage has seen him gain access to the winner’s circle on every occasion. Alexxanderr made his first show ring appearance in Menton and ever since then, his rise to fame has been of meteoric proportions.Now debuting at the Mediterranean & Arab Countries Arabian Horse Championship held at the picturesque, French coastal city of Menton, is always a risk as it is the first title show of the European show season and many say that Menton is usually an early review of the World Championships. However, the teams at Al Sayed Stud and Schoukens Training Centre were determined to show off this dynamo and boy did they do it in style. In the qualifying classes, Alexxanderr won first place and was the highest scoring yearling colt. Alexander The Great once said that “there is nothing impossible to him who will try” and Alexxanderr proved that. On championship day, more specifically June 14th, Alexxanderr added his first (of what would become a lengthy list) gold title to his name – five of the six judges agreed that he should be the 2015 Menton Gold Champion Yearling Colt. This magnificent Mediterranean victory had put Alexxanderr on the map; all eyes were now on him, waiting to see which arena he would conquer next – the industry knew that he was a force to be reckoned with and that his eyes were now firmly set on the prize. After Menton, it was decided that the All Nations Cup, known as one of the toughest and most prestigious shows in the industry, would be Alexxanderr’s next ‘battleground’. Team Alexxanderr was ready to take on Aachen and they once again came out victorious. Alexxanderr won his class, was once again the highest scoring yearling colt and was ultimately crowned 2015 All Nations Cup Silver Champion Yearling Colt.The obvious choice to end of any horses European show career would be the World Championships at the Salon Du Cheval in Paris and team Alexxanderr knew that a title at this show would set them apart. Having lightened in colour and developed a bit more since Menton and Aachen, Alexxanderr, now just three months from turning two, was in great shape for Paris. Like they did at the past two shows, Alexxanderr and his sidekick Tom Schoukens stormed into the arena and won their class. On championship Sunday, Alexxanderr’s thirst for Parisian victory had been quenched – he was named 2015 World Silver Champion Yearling Colt. This knight was now cast in silver and not just any ordinary silver, it was the Parisian kind. A linebred Psyche pedigree influenced by some of the greatest Spanish, Polish and Russian blood, enabled Alexxanderr to mature into a gorgeous young colt, embodying the traits passed down by his forefathers and increasing in quality with every passing day. Pair that with his triumphant yearling show career and gobsmacking beauty and Alexxanderr was (and still is) a perfect example of the modern day Arabian horse. However, as a two year old, Alexxanderr defined new levels of success, heightened in unfathomable beauty and added more gold to his name. At this age, Alexxanderr also found himself taking on a new role, a role that would ensure his legacy and bring forth new life – the role of sire.Alexxanderr is currently standing at IATC Capecci Training Centre in Italy which is managed by Susy Grüschler. With Paolo Capecci at the lead and Giampaolo Gubiotti managing all his PR, Alexxanderr is ready to rock the socks off any show ring. 2017 will be quite a special year for Alexxanderr as his sire, Excalibur EA (who is also standing at Capecci Training Centre), will be taking on Aachen alongside his spectacular son. Just like their forefathers, WH Justice and Shanghai EA did at the 2011 All Nations Cup; this father-son duo is aiming to win their respective gold titles in Aachen, carry the torch forward and ultimately, write their names down in history. Be sure to read part two of this article in our Paris edition where we will delve into the realms of Alexxanderr’s pedigree, his two year old show career and his first foals.
As young warriors mature, they reachtheir prime and nothing stands in theirway when they want to accomplish a task.They become invincible; unstoppableand relentless in their pursuit for success.So was the story with Alexxanderr; aftertaking the Arabian horse world by stormas a yearling, Alexxanderr was readyfor new battles and challenges that layahead. He puts on his armor everydayand wears it with pride. What is hisarmor you might ask? It is an exteriorthat makes ones jaw hang to the ground,one that causes all to bow down in awe,one that was so generously handed downby his ancestors.A linebred Psyche pedigree influencedby some of the greatest Spanish, Polishand Russian blood, enabled Alexxanderrto mature into a gorgeous young colt,embodying the traits passed down by hisforefathers and increasing in quality withevery passing day. Alexxanderr is siredby the reigning Dubai International, AbuDhabi International, All Nations Cupand European Gold Champion Stallion,Excalibur EA (Shanghai EA x Essence OfMarwan EA). Excalibur EA is a show ringsuperstar; after dominating the U.S. andbeing named European Triple Crown in2014, there was no stopping him and itwas only a matter of time before he madea comeback. Excalibur EA is sired by theinternational show star, Shanghai EA(WH Justice x Salymah EA). What I loveabout this sire line is the gobsmackingbeauty and authentic Arabian type thatthey keep passing down, generationafter generation. Both of Shanghai EA’spaternal grandsires are breed legends; hisdam is a daughter of the Reserve WorldChampion, Khidar and his sire is a sonof the multiple U.S. National Championand leading sire of champions, MagnumPsyche.Excalibur EA’s dam is the chestnutbeauty, Essence Of Marwan EA (MarwanAl Shaqab x Elizja). She is a daughter ofthe archetypal sire of our generation, thethree time World Champion, MarwanAl Shaqab. Apart from a huge dose ofgreatness, Marwan Al Shaqab brings withhim the likes of U.S. National ChampionsGazal Al Shaqab, Kajora and Fame VF. Itis through Essence Of Marwan EA thatwe find the second cross to the BelgianNational Champion Mare and championproducer, Elizja. With Elizja come hugeamounts of Spanish and Russian bloodas well as boat loads of beauty, grace andfinesse.When looking at Alexxanderr’s dam line,we find that American legends reignsupreme; in the first four generationsof his dam’s pedigree, we find ten U.S.National Champions. Alexxanderr’sdam is AR Most Irresistible (ML MostlyPadron x Flirtatshahn BHF). She isa gorgeous mare with large eyes, ashort muzzle, exceptional carriage andmovement and a solid body. Her sire,ML Mostly Padron (Padrons Psyche xHL Mostly) is a splitting image of Padron– those ears, eyes, body and neck; it’s asif Padron was reincarnated. ML MostlyPadron is a Las Vegas Arabian BreedersWorld Cup Gold Champion and has sirednumerous U.S. National and RegionalChampions. He is sired by one of the alltime leading sires of our breed, PadronsPsyche. ML Mostly Padrons dam, HLMostly is a chestnut, Russian goddess.She is sired by the Russian icon and U.S.National Champion Padron, but her truevalue lies in her dam line. Through thatRussian M-line, she traces back to the‘Queen of Tersk’; the matriarch of Russia– Mammona.AR Most Irresistible’s dam is the BattleHill Farm bred, Flirtatshahn BHF(Falcon BHF x Khemos Best Bet).She is a daughter of the U.S. NationalChampion, Falcon BHF. Falcon BHFwas known to produce some of the finestdaughter daughters the breed has everseen. And it is those daughters, includingFlirtatshahn BHF, that have exceededexpectations in breeding barns aroundthe world. Wherever there is FalconBHF, a double dose of breed historianBey Shah is bound to follow. FlirtatshahnBHF’s dam, Khemos Best Bet is adaughter of Khemosabi; a stallion that isapplauded to this day for his outstandingshow record and more importantly, hiscontributions as a sire. Khemos Best Betis out of the straight Egyptian Nabieldaughter, Arabest Danna and tracesback to the desert bred beauties that theBedouins treasured with their lives.At two years old, Alexxanderr waslooking great and it was decided thathe be shown once again. He started offhis year at the Prince Sultan ArabianHorse Festival in Saudi Arabia. He wasshown to perfection and even though hewas placed second in his class, he wasdetermined to walk home wrapped ingold. On championship day, Alexxanderrwas named 2016 Prince Sultan ArabianHorse Festival Gold Champion JuniorColt. He was triumphant and his teamcouldn’t have been more pleased. Hewas quickly climbing up the ladder andshowing the industry that he was a forceto be reckoned with.As a two year old, Alexxanderr alsofound himself taking on a new role, arole that would ensure his legacy andbring forth new life – the role of sire.From his pedigree and outrageous goodlooks, Alexxanderr promised to be aknock out in the breeding barn, and hesurely has not disappointed. His foalsare exquisite specimens; each unique butcarrying their father’s stamp of approval.They are their father’s future army – anarmy that will soon be ready to dominateshow rings and win hearts around theglobe.Alexxanderr has given Al Sayed Stud afew foals so far, I would like to mentionfour fantastic ones; three fillies and onecolt. Hala AlSayed is a gorgeous littlecreature; her teacup muzzle, perfectlyshaped ears and large, expressive eyesmake her look like a bronze statue thathas come to life. She is out of the beautifulKoronec daughter and All Nations CupReserve Champion Senior Mare, BintAl Shamal (Koronec x Thee Cover Girl).Nuwayer AlSayed is an exotic princess;she is leggy, has a neck set to die forand in my opinion, is one of those thatdeserve straight twenties for type. Herdam is the Brazilian beauty and multichampionproducer, Nuzyrma Dinn SA(Nuzyr GCF x Hafati Grace).Lujain AlSayed is the third filly from theAlexxanderr foal crop at Al Sayed Stud.She is a spectacular filly that resemblesa fairy; so fine, so delicate and everso graceful and enchanting. LujainAlSayed is out of the multi-internationalchampion mare, Prestic (MagnumPsyche x Padrons Contessa). Prestic isalso the dam of the Al Sayed Stud owned,reigning Menton Silver ChampionYearling Filly – Haifa ED. MaherAlSayed is the knight amongst thisgroups of girls; he is his father’s heir. Heis a stellar individual with the makingsof a ruler. His dam is one of the mostbeautiful mares at Al Sayed Stud; she isthe Las Vegas Arabian Breeders WorldCup Silver Champion, Mera AlSayed(RHR Marcedes x Bonne Chance TBA).There is another Alexxanderr fillyturning heads and gaining interest inSaudi Arabia, she is what every breederdreams of. Her dam is ADH Just Divine(WH Justice x ADH Psyches Passion);she is an ethereal beauty that is linebred to Padrons Psyche. When lookingat these first foals, one thing is clear:Alexxanderr is poised and ready tobring his legacy to life. Not only doeshe lend his genetics and extraordinaryphenotype to his foals, but he adds andimproves on the traits off the mares. Hecompliments various bloodlines and isshowing the world that he is capable ofwriting his name down next to the greatsires of our breed.Now at the ripe age of three, Alexxanderris looking better than ever; he haslightened in colour and heightened inbeauty and masculinity. This called fora new challenge and Alexxanderr wasmore than willing to accept. Alexxanderrand his team took on the challengeat the All Nations Cup in Aachen inSeptember this year. After weeks oftraining, promotion and preparation,Alexanderr was determined to have hisname engraved in gold. The competitionwas tough and included reigningchampions from around the world, butteam Alexxanderr was not phased. Inthe qualifying classes, Alexxanderr andPaolo Capecci burst into the ring andset it on fire. His tail was up, his snortand-blow attitude on full display; as hebounced around that arena one couldsee that he was ready for battle.Alexxanderr scored a whopping 93.61points which included seven twenties;one for Type and five for Head. He wonhis class, was the highest scoring juniormale at the show and was awarded MostClassic Head. He was now one step closerto his goal and on championship day, hebrought nothing less than his A-game.His stand up was exceptional; both thejudges and the crowds knew that this wastheir champion. Alexxanderr was named2017 All Nations Cup Gold ChampionJunior Colt – he had conquered Aachen.What made this win even more specialwas the fact that Alexxanderr’s sire,Excalibur EA, was named 2017 AllNations Cup Senior Champion Stallion.This father-son duo made it clear to theworld that the torch has been passeddown and that it is now their turn tomake history. From WH Justice toShanghai EA to Excalibur EA and nowto Alexxanderr, this family proves thatAll Nations Cup gold titles are simply atradition that cannot be broken.It was also Alexxanderr’s ‘baby sister,’LR Era De Excalibur, owned by LasRosas Arabians and Al Sayed Stud thatmade this win so special. She made herEuropean debut at the 2017 All NationsCup and she wanted to show everyonethat she too, even though quite young,knew how to keep up with familytradition. She won her class and wasultimately named 2017 All Nations CupGold Champion Yearling Filly, with hersire and ‘big brother’ standing alongsideher draped in gold.Alexander The Great once said that“glory crowns the deeds of thosewho expose themselves to toils anddangers.”Alexxanderr and his entourageare preparing to take on one of thetoughest and most prestigious shows inthe Arabian horse world with the hopeof being crowned with more than justglory. With their battle plan mastered,path cleared and minds focused on thegoal, team Alexxanderr will take on theWorld Championships with one goal inmind – GOLD.

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