Orientalist Art

Published on Issue n.1/2020 presented at the Dubai Show

Orientalist Art

Part 3 Marine Oussedik
Written by: William Richardot de Choisey
Translated by: Sonja Smaldone
Works Collection by: Marine Oussedik

Marine Oussedik is an extraordinary woman artist who graduates from the College of Graphic Arts in Paris. She has a meteoric rise since her ta- lent in Design and Sculpture is out-of-ordi- nary. A true horsewoman herself from a very young age, she is very keen on dressage that she practi- ces on a daily basis with her two horses in her domain in Picardie. Depending on the desirable natural light, she is able to accommodate a pre- cious balance between horse riding, drawing and sculp- ture. Marine is particularly concerned with represen- ting the distinctive features of the hawks, without forgetting the Arabian horse that in her art-works is portrayed in striking scenes of intense reality. In the nineties, Marine organises a first exhibition of ink drawings in the famous ‘Galerie La Cymaise’ in Paris that houses the greatest contemporary animal artists. It follows a very beautiful exhibition in one of the most beautiful rooms of the ‘Musée Vivant du Cheval’ installed at the Castle of Chantilly. Her artistic presence gets stronger following her first Art Book in 1993 titled ‘Les Chevaux d’En- cres’ (The Ink Horses) accompanied by ad hoc oriental texts and proverbs that allude to her Kabyles origins. This Book remains today out of print, unfortu- nately, and it has not been yet re-issued de- spite high demand. Her delicate artistry makes her very famous, she is asked to exhibit her art-works worldwide: Antwerp-Belgium, Brussels-Bel- gium, Lausanne-Switzerland, Lon- don-England, Shanghai-China, Seoul-South Korea; while in the United Arab Emirates her work is considered as a property to be pre- served for the future. Following urgent requests, Marine engages in the re-edition of ‘Les Chevaux du Sahara’ (Horses of the Sahara) in the little time she has left to produce new creations. This out- standing piece of art-work is carefully placed on the shelves of the ‘Institut du Monde Arabe’ in Paris. In the same period, she publishes her book ‘Horses of the Wind, Birds with no Wings’ followed by many works on Horses and the Living Art in the Middle East, while ‘Les Chevaux de Rois’ has an unprecedented success. Nowadays, Marine Oussedik receives many requests to show her un- deniable artistic talent at prestigious events and fairs around the world. Her constant research for producing new designs and paintings forces her to stay focussed on her work for all the necessary time she needs to put down her creativi- ty. No doubt, her new works will delight all big lovers of the art of painting, especially when it refers to Orientalism and its millennial traditions.
Facebook: marineoussedikhorseart

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